
Niue Public Service Commission

The Niue Public Service Commission invites expression of interest/applications for the following vacancy within the Niue Public Service. If, however you require additional information please contact the Secretariat Office of the Niue Public Service Commission, Niue Public Service Building at Fonuakula or through the office email:

Public Financial Management Reform Specialist Niue

The expert will support the Ministry of Finance with the prioritization and coordination of public financial management reform in Niue in line with the fiscal policy. Also, strengthen resource allocation and the transparency of fiscal information.

Follow the link above for more information

Deadline of Submitting EOI: 15-Oct-2024 11:59 PM Manila local time.

All applications will be vetted and must expect and be ready to be interviewed following the closing of the vacancy advert.

Applications Address

Niue Public Service Commission
P.O Box 125,
Niue Public Service Building,
Alofi, NIUE

Telephone: (683) 4210 or 4018